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Zeebeesten onder je voeten
In: Wildlife Magazine, september-oktober 2006
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Intro: Ammonieten en andere uitgestorven inktvissen, koraalkolonies, reuzenzeelelies, je kunt het zo gek niet bedenken of restanten van allerlei prehistorische zeebeesten zijn te bewonderen in natuursteen in de Nederlandse steden. Ook in Amsterdam liggen de fossielen op straat. De gids 'De geologische stad - Steeds natuursteen' helpt ons een handje bij het herkennen van fossielen in gebouwen en bestrating in 12 Nederlandse steden.
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Aarde op weg naar volgende ijstijd
In: Wildlife Magazine, mei-juni 2006
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Summary: De Delftse hoogleraar Salomon Kroonenberg reikt ons in zijn nieuwe boek 'De menselijke maat. De aarde over tienduizend jaar' een interessant gedachte-experiment aan. Hij pleit ervoor de menselijke maat los te laten en de wereld te beschouwen aan de hand van de geologische maatlat, één die uitgaat van tienduizenden, zo niet miljoenen jaren. Dat zou ons vrolijker moeten stemmen omdat op de lange termijn klimaatverandering een schijnprobleem is.
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Hoogteziek in Pangaea
In: Natuurwetenschap & Techniek, december 2005
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Summary: During the biggest mass-extinction in the geological past, 250 million years ago at the transition Permian-Triassic, the concentration of oxygen in the atmosphere was extremely low. According to American scientists, low oxygen made the Permian crisis worse. Low oxygen conditions lasted until far into the Mesozoic and pushed the evolution of Saurischian dinosaurs, which developed a more efficient breathing system. Modern birds still take advantage of this.
De ondergrond van Nederland
In: EOS Magazine, september 2005
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Summary: Millions of boreholes in the subsurface make the Netherlands the best known delta in the world. In the publication 'De ondergrond van Nederland', TNO-NITG aims at making the Dutch public more aware of the geological treasures that lay under our feet. The book gives a thorough understanding of the geological evolution and history of the Dutch subsurface and how we (should) make use of it today in a sustainable manner.
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De geologische atlas
In: EOS Magazine, september 2005
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Summary: The bilingual 'Atlas of the Subsurface of the Netherlands' contains a compilation of 15 map sheets with geological information that was not publicly released until 2003. The maps visualise the subsurface of onshore Netherlands tot a depth of 5 km ranging to the oldest Paleozoic sediments. The Atlas also provides explanatory text about the geological evolution of the Netherlands. TNO also prepares a geological atlas on the Permian basin between the British Isles and Russia.
Aziatische ramp, Canarische tijdbom
In: EOS Magazine, februari 2005
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Summary: When the volcano Cumbre Vieja on the Canary island of La Palma collapses, countries surrounding the Atlantic Ocean might experience a severe tsunami. The American geophysicist Steven N. Ward and British volcanologist Bill McGuire think there is a fair chance this will happen in our lifetime.
Click on the satellite photo for a close-up of the Cumbre Vieja. Photo by NASA.
De Kreta-crash
In: Natuurwetenschap & Techniek, februari 2005
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Summary: The Mediterranean Sea will disappear in seven million years. Geologists expect that the Greek island of Crete will be the first piece of the European continent to crash with Africa. Subduction of the African plate happens with a speed of four centimeters every year. Forces behind the relatively quick movement of Crete towards Libya are a combination of a push from the Anatolian microplate (Turkey) and a pulling force as a result of the sinking African plate.
Afrika in de ijstijd
In: Mens & Wetenschap,
december 2004
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Summary: During the last Ice Age (115.000-10.000 years ago) one third of the earth' surface was covered with snow and ice. The African tropical rainforest thrunk and only 13 small refugia were left in the western part of the continent. Michael Leal, biologist, thinks that oceanic and thus local climatic conditions played an important role in the transformation of rainforest into grassland. His research on Gambian tree species Caesalpiniaceae points to a quick recovery of the rainforest after the last Ice Age.
Moddervulkanen, bronnen van broeikasgas
In: EOS Magazine, november 2002
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Summary: Other than magmatic (lava) volcanoes, mud volcanoes bring mud, stones and large quantities of methane gases to the surface. On the Meditterranean sea bed, where hundreds of mud volcanoes are situated, the first scientific expedition to this type of volcanism took place in 1998. A team of French and Dutch scientists went down in a ball-shaped, titanium submarine, named Nautile, that is able to withstand extreme pressures.
Photo by Ifremer/NWO: Microbial tissue near mud volcanoes
Olivijn, een mineraal voor het milieu
In: EOS Magazine, april 1999
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Summary: A team of Dutch geochemists developed a chemical process to neutralise waste streams containing sulphuric and hydrochloric acids. Their solution to processing this type of environmental waste is olivine, an abundant mineral in the earth' crust and mantle. The dark, mafic silicate mineral turns out to be a chemical miracle, as it is able to neutralise acid waste while the remaining chemicals can be re-used in industrial sectors such as paper, rubber and paint production.
De Azoren: leven van vulkanen
In: EOS Magazine, oktober 1998
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Summary: Unlike the breathtaking volcanic landscape of Lanzarote (Canary islands), the Azores archipelago does not have a status of nature reserve. This is a big mistake, according to the Portuguese volcanologist Victor Hugo Forjaz. Forjaz was still a boy when he experienced the last outburst on the Azores in 1957/1958, when Vulcão dos Capelinhos at Fayal was born. A compilation of photograps can be viewed here.
Photo: Vulcão dos Capelinhos © Annemieke van Roekel

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Laatste wijziging: 7 januari 2025